Creative products , creative results.

Providing our customers with the best plastic products for their business needs.
GREEN PACKAGING is in the business of providing our customers with the best products from plastic T-shirt bags to rubber gloves plastic containers and any plastic packaging you may need.

Plastic products for your business.

Offering the best T-shirt bags

Produce Bags

Best materials used.

stretch wrap

Perfect for your commercial pallet packing business warehouse needs!

We offer different sizes of smoothie cups,,,,

We offer 12 /24/32 oz Smoothie cups and Lids,,,,

Rubber gloves

Food grade

  • 304 South Jones Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV, USA
  • 304 S Jones Blv Suite 1280
  • 304 South Jones Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV, USA
  • 304 S Jones Blv Suite 1280